Quand on Danse We are recruiting dance teachers! Quand on Danse is convinced that everyone can dance, regardless of their background, physical or mental abilities, or simply their individual desires. To ensure the excellence of our offering and to c... Sep 14, 2023 Quand on Danse
Quand on Danse Ballet discovery workshop On 24 September, from 3pm to 4.30pm, come and discover ballet at the Mosa Ballet School! Is ballet a complex dance for professionals? Emmanuelle Hubaut will try to prove you wrong during a one-hour di... Sep 11, 2023 Quand on Danse
Quand on Danse Integrated, adapted and inclusive dance training from 17 to 21 November Florent Devlesaver is a contemporary chair dancer. Fuelled by a desire to learn, he began his training by taking part in classical and contemporary dance classes from 2011. In 2018, he took part in se... Sep 6, 2023 Quand on Danse
Quand on Danse What exactly is "Quand on danse"? Driven by a philosophy of openness and commitment to society from the outset, the Quand on Danse programme has carried out a number of concrete, ground-breaking projects in its first year of existence... Sep 4, 2023 Quand on Danse
Two new programs at the start of the next school year! From September 2023, the Mosa Ballet School is expanding its offer with 2 additional dance education programs. Alongside our Main Program for 12-18 year olds, two new tracks will be created: our Pre-P... Aug 17, 2023 Mosa News
Quand on Danse Maxime Laplanche Maxime Laplanche began learning to dance at the age of 8. Trained at the New Espace Danse school in Namur until he was 17, he diversified and broadened his knowledge in contemporary, jazz, classical, ... Jul 11, 2023 Quand on Danse
Quand on Danse Camp Tournesol x Quand on danse On Tuesday 4 July, Quand on danse went to Camp Tournesol, an annual initiative of the Fondation contre le cancer. Organised by volunteers since 1989, the camp gives children affected by cancer the cha... Jul 5, 2023 Quand on Danse
Quand on Danse Dance in nursing houses Depuis avril 2023, Quand on Danse organise des activités de danse en maison de repos. Ce projet a pour but de favoriser le bien-être physique et mental des résidents, ainsi que la cohésion sociale: la... Jun 27, 2023 Quand on Danse
Annual Gala: Additional performance on July 7th at 3 p.m. Following the success of ticket sales for the performance on July 7th at 8 p.m., an additional performance is being offered to the public on the same day at 3 p.m. Tickets are available through this l... Jun 5, 2023 Mosa News
Is your child aged 9 to 12 and dreams of doing Ballet? Join us on June 17th at the Mosa Ballet School! On June 17th, the Mosa Ballet School will hold its first admission test aimed at children aged 9 to 12 who wish to begin or continue their ballet education at an international dance school. The School... Jun 2, 2023 Mosa News
Reservations for our Annual Gala are open The Mosa Ballet School presents its Annual Gala. It will be held at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège on July 7 2023. This performance will feature all our young talented dancers and highlight the wor... May 9, 2023 Mosa News
Quand on Danse Bal Folk! The Folk Ball was held on Saturday 29 April in the great hall of the former National Bank. Around a hundred people took to the dance floor in an atmosphere of fun and sharing! Creating extraordinary c... May 8, 2023 Quand on Danse